5 reasons why we shouldn’t rush to ‘get back to normal’

Is getting back to the ‘normal’ financial systems we’ve been part of for so long really a good thing for our own personal finances and for society as a whole? Should we accept a financial crisis and income inequality?

This is a slightly different post to usual. But, given the unprecedented events this past season has bought, I wanted to address some issues I’ve been thinking about for a while. There is a widespread financial crisis and income inequality which needs to be addressed.

There’s a lot of talk about ‘getting back to normal’ and what we’re going to rush to do once the threat of Covid-19 has been diminished.

Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to hug my friends and family again. But, there are other aspects of ‘normality’ I think would be best left behind. This is particularly true for financial matters. The current system does not work for enough people.

Here are five reasons why we should not rush back to financial norms.

1.The climate crisis

While all focus has quite rightly shifted to the pandemic and the global response, there is no escaping that we are still in the midst of a climate emergency.

If used appropriately, financial markets have the power to help create a greener world. Investment is necessary for all companies and sectors. If everyone used their investible capital to only fund sustainable projects or businesses, many would be forced to adapt and become greener.

The same can be said for tax policy. If there is a clear financial incentive to be greener, firms will undoubtedly change their ways.

2. Financial crisis and income inequality

Industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) argued that people who succeed have a “natural talent” and therefore acquire their fortunes almost by accident. As a result, they should give away vast amounts of their wealth to help others. “The man who dies…rich dies disgraced,” he argued in his essay The Gospel of Wealth.

And yet, in the past 20 years or so, wealth inequality has increased hugely and the current financial systems support this. Forbes’ annual ranking of the 400 richest Americans found the US’ three richest individuals (Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos) collectively hold more wealth than the bottom 50 percent, which equates to 63 million American households.

Surely this is neither sustainable nor fair. So many are living below the poverty line and wondering where their next meal might come from. Tax policies favouring the wealthy may make the economy look healthy but at what cost?

3. Gender differences

Women are unfairly disadvantaged simply for being female. At 65 years old the average women’s pension pot is a fifth of the size of the average man. This is according to Yes She Can, a campaign designed to raise awareness of the gender investment and pensions gap. If we keep going at the current rate it will take over 100 years to close this gap.

Financial marketing rarely targets women. On the rare occasion they are targeted, the volume of jargon used puts them off. Yes She Can’s research found women say: “We’re hungry for it. Tell them we’re interested. We want to know more.”

Even lockdown has not been without its inequalities for women. Freelance mothers were left penalised with less state aid because they took maternity leave. The scheme allows struggling freelancers to claim grants of up to £7,500 to cover up to 80 percent of their normal earnings for income lost between March and June. This was based on average profits over the past three years, but originally did not discount maternity leave.

It took a major campaign from lobby group Pregnant Then Screwed (supported by Telegraph Money) to force the government to change this unfair ruling.

4. Racial income inequality

The current systems also negatively affect BAME individuals. The recent Black Lives Matter protests saw people all over the world demand an end to racism, police brutality and racial inequalities. The issues dealing with race and racism and racial inequality are fully entwined with the issues of wealth inequality. People of colour continue to be economically disadvantaged due to the built-in inequalities in our society and financial systems.

The Covid-19 pandemic has heightened these inequalities in both the UK and the US. People of colour make up a disproportionate share of low-wage essential workers who have not been able to work from home. However, in the US they have also suffered more job losses. 61 percent of Latinx households and 44 percent of Black households have had a job or wage loss due to the pandemic, compared with 38 percent of White households, according to inequality.org.

Closing the persistent “wealth divide” between white households and households of colour, which is already a matter of social justice, must become a priority for broader economic policy if the US is to maintain its strong middle class going forward.

5. Lack of financial education

The UK has completely neglected financial education. Having spoken to those in other countries, it seems the UK is not alone in doing this. This gives wealthy children an immediate advantage. Their parents may have a financial adviser who will in turn advise them, or they’ll be able to learn from their parents. Those who don’t have this advantage have to try and learn everything themselves. But, without knowing what they’re missing out on, they’re unlikely to be able to fill all the gaps.

Financial education must become a priority if we want future generations to be more financially stable and less unequal.

If you found this post about getting back to normal interesting, please like it and share across social media or send it to your friends. I’d also love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How do you think we should rebuild after this crisis, so please do leave a comment!

67 responses to “5 reasons why we shouldn’t rush to ‘get back to normal’”

  1. […] young people need better financial education more than ever. Wealth inequality is on the rise and the generational wealth gap is increasing […]

  2. […] Equality isn’t just for the people on your doorstep or even in your country. It’s for everyone. Every person deserves to be paid fairly for their work and to be able to support themselves and their families. […]

  3. […] speak a lot about financial inequality and injustice on this blog, so it feels wrong not to comment at this time. This won’t just be a rant, though. […]

  4. […] I explained why we shouldn’t rush back to normal. One of those reasons was climate change. This seemed to resonate with a lot of readers, so rather […]

  5. […] Wealth inequality is rising at alarming rates, both in the UK and globally. While the rich continue to get richer, more and more fall below the poverty line. […]

  6. […] first place is ‘5 reasons why we shouldn’t rush back to normal’. This post helped me find my voice in the blogging community. While I could quite easily write posts […]

  7. […] I go into more detail about these problems in this post. […]

  8. […] women and minority groups. Dismissing the beauty industry as frivolous or surplus to requirement only increases inequality and ignores the needs and wants of […]

  9. […] impact many individuals, including society’s most vulnerable. The pandemic has highlighted the inequalities of our economy and it is vital when recovering we remain aware of these issues and look to address […]

  10. […] I address these issues in more detail in this post. […]

  11. […] However, it could be worth taking certain things into consideration if you’re concerned about making society less equal. […]

  12. This is SO brilliant! You are hitting all the nails right on the head with these five points. We all gotta get some serious learning on the true nature of economics and finance 🙂 Thanks for takin’ us to school, Katie!

  13. […] 5 reasons why we shouldn’t rush to ‘get back to normal’ [The Twenty Percent] – “Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to get my hair done again and have drinks with friends. But, there are other aspects of ‘normality’ I think would be best left behind. This is particularly true for financial matters, as the current system does not work for enough people.” […]

  14. Great post! The lack of financial education is such a big one, it’s crazy to think about how little this was spoken about in school. I’m having to teach myself it all now as a young adult x


  15. Lamara Travels Avatar
    Lamara Travels

    I completely agree with everything that has been said. It’s going to be a while before we can go back to ‘normal’ if normal will even be a thing again

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thank you for commenting. It’s a very uncertain time and it’s hard to see what a new ‘normal’ will look like!

  16. Lamara Travels Avatar
    Lamara Travels

    I agree with everything you’ve said, we have to wait a bit longer before considering the ‘back to normal’ if normal is ever going to be a thing again

  17. So many issues need to address globally and these have been ongoing for decades. I am glad that you mentioned financial education as I also believed that each person must have sufficient knowledge in financial matters. The home and school should start teaching kids to be more financially responsible and dependent.

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I agree- financial education is so important but so often neglected!

  18. Wow what great points! I hope we can reimagine a new, BETTER normal…

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks so much! I hope so too 🙂

  19. When the world talked about the ‘new-normal’, I always wondered what the new normal would look like but I have always been a supporter that we should not go back to normal, we should go to be better. The last couple of months have been hard, I really hope we all learn from it and be wiser 🙂

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks for your comment. I really hope we all learn from the past few months too!

  20. Life is indeed complicated. We will continue to find solutions and hopefully find a better normal.

  21. I definitely agree, lots of issues seem to have been forgotten and all the focus is on covid, but if anything it has shown the vulnerablities and we should go forward in a more knowledgeable way changing things for the e better!
    Great post, thanks for sharing 😊


    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks so much for reading. I agree- there’s a lot of changes that need to, and hopefully will, take place!

  22. This is so true! So many people seem to think “back to normal” means all are experiencing what normal is in the same way and as you highlighted so well, it simply isn’t true when “normal” means disparities on many levels. Thanks for sharing!

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I’m glad it resonates with you!

  23. gender difference part was good

  24. Great post! I totally agree with these reasons!

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thank you!

  25. shortgirlwalking Avatar

    This is a great article! I hope that we as, well, the world, can step back for a moment and really reassess what we’re doing and in what direction. There are so many opportunities as you’ve mentioned that are needing to be looked into and I think now is the right time to do so. Hopefully that just becomes the case!

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks so much for reading! I really hope we do all reassess 🙂

  26. This is such a great and thought provoking post. I totally agree that we shouldn’t rush back into normalcy from the exact points you made. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Michelle Gast Avatar
    Michelle Gast

    Great article I never thought of the issues you’ve mentioned. Thanks for sharing these insights!

  28. Brilliant article. It feels a lot like we’ve been given a chance to hit the reset button and rebuild an economy that improves the environment along with the health and wealth of everyone… Let’s hope there’s enough people making their voices heard to shape a future that works for everyone.

  29. I really do hope that we will move into a ‘new normal’, one that is shaped by the lessons that we have learned throughout 2020. It’s been a challenging year but we have had many very, very important topics brought to light – injustices in our society. It is now our responsibility to use this to create change as we move forward.

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thank you for reading and commenting. I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve said!

  30. Love the concept! Great job:)

  31. Yes yes YES! I couldn’t agree with you more. In terms of what you’ve said, I never want to return to “normal” again.


  32. Totally agree with the sentiment here. Lockdown has allowed some of us to slow down and re-think things. More people should try it before heading quickly back to some sort of normality.

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thanks for reading! I really do hope we reassess our priorities before diving straight back in

  33. I totally agree, there’s a lot of things that need reassessing rather than rushing back to old ways. It’s a great opportunity to do something, whether it will be taken or not. I’m not convinced.

  34. gabbyabigailll Avatar

    Although this pandemic has been devastating, it has also brought light to many important topics! I agree that we shouldn’t go back to how we were before the pandemic! Thank you for sharing such an insightful piece.

    Much love always,

  35. Vicki Bushrow Avatar
    Vicki Bushrow

    This an amazing post!! Thank you so much for sharing. I live in the US and things here are so unbalanced and unfair. I myself have never been wealthy. I worked in the service industry for most of my life and had to live day-to-day, shift-to-shift. Have never been able to afford health insurance or an education. WE DO NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE!!

  36. Going back to normal seems semi impossible right now! And I can’t imagine the situation the climate will be in! 💔

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I know- it’s very worrying when you think about it!

  37. Super well written article! Always important to address inequality head on so that we can, at the very least, have a conversation about it and figure out how best to move forward (=

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thank you very much! I agree- we at least need to discuss how we all want to move forward 🙂

  38. I couldn’t agree more about the importance of financial education. The amount of young adults who I see making long-term financially damaging decisions because of lack of education is appalling (myself included!). I took the time about a year ago to educate myself and it made such a huge difference in my day to day life

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I know, it’s really worrying. I’m glad you’ve found learning more has benefited you!

  39. I completely agree with you. There’s so much to not rush back to! I think we need to make a better future instead of trying to go back to what it was. Great post

  40. This is so true! I can’t believe the number of major societal issues that have come to people’s attention now that we’re not all too distracted by our everyday lives. Lockdown has actually been a blessing as it’s given people so much time to educate and hopefully better themselves!

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I agree, hopefully we’ll see some positive change come out of it!

  41. This is so true! It’s surprising how many major issues have been neglected for so long because everyone was too busy with their everyday lives. I’m actually thankful for lockdown because it’s given me the time to really educate myself on topics that I should’ve taken the time to learn about years ago!

  42. I actually love how many little things the quarantine has stripped naked and brought to the light for more people to see, so I am hopeful we will continue to see good changes.

  43. What a great article – you’ve made some really interesting points which I hope do get addressed in the very near future. Really interesting; thanks x

  44. bournemouthgirl Avatar

    I don’t mind waiting, I would rather stay safe and wait. I don’t need anything to go shopping etc. Thank you for sharing!

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I agree, I think patience is really key here. And now we can get so much online going out to shops really isn’t necessary right now!

      1. bournemouthgirl Avatar

        Yeah definitely!

  45. Thecaskconnoisseur Avatar

    I completely agree with everything you’ve said here, it’s a waiting game, but we just have to be patient sadly. It will take time but it will be all perfect when it’s all over.

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I agree – waiting is the difficult part though! haha

  46. 100% true

  47. Rhi // The Violet Journal Avatar
    Rhi // The Violet Journal

    This was a very interesting read and something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. The idea of everything going back to normal makes me slightly uncomfortable, because as hard as the pandemic has been, normal isn’t that great either.

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      I completely agree. I think there’s an opportunity to rebuild in a way that will benefit more people in the long run!

  48. The All Round Investor Avatar
    The All Round Investor

    This is a great article! I really like how you’ve mentioned things that aren’t just economic reasons because life stretches so much beyond finance. The climate crisis, racism, sexism and class inequality are very real problems that we need to address!

    An insightful article that I thoroughly enjoyed, thanks

    1. The Twenty Percent Avatar
      The Twenty Percent

      Thank you, I’m glad you agree there’s so many issues we need to tackle globally. I’m glad you liked the post 🙂

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